
Update on Bob and Claudia

 Hello there, last time i posted here i wrote an article on the care and maintenance of fiddler crabs.  I am happy to report that the crabs in my care are still with us :)  Very much alive and jolly.  I only have pictures of Bob because Claudia spends her days in her burrow and comes out at night when we're all sleeping.  There have been a few things to note on their behaviour.  Bob still does his waving, we are somewhat baffled as to whether it's mating waving or some form of territorial waving.  When a hand or foreign object gets near him in his tank, he waves at it in the same form of waving that would be fiddler mating waving.  We do not know the subtle differences between defensive territorial and mating waving though we're sure other crabs would notice and understand the differences.  Going by how infrequently he has molted we believe he is an older crab.
He has only molted once since we brought him home and that was last spring.  The older a crab gets, the less frequently it molts.  He spends his days waving, crawling and occasionally eating.  The cooler weather has meant slightly cooler tank temperatures but both crabs seem content and both remain active. We recently found that Claudia will wave at Bob from time to time when she does emerge during the day but she quickly gets distracted and starts picking up sand particles to chew on.  Both crabs seem healthy, with Bob acquiring a bit of algae on his shell which should go away with a molt or if we turn the light off more in the spring time.  Right now their light is essential to their health and well being because  
without it the temperatures in their tanks get too low.  The algae growth does not seem to effect Bob's activity levels or his quality of life.  These three pictures of Bob were taken just a few days ago.  His filter (a Duetto), i just found out a few weeks ago, is no longer being produced.  When Claudia's filter (a Tetra) broke, i ended up purchasing a submersible filter from Meijer, which is of good quality and easily maintained.  So these are just a few updates on the crabs and how they're doing.  I hope to have both crabs live for quite a few more years yet and i'm off to a good start :)


  1. Can I just use I use plan salt that has no iodine ?! Never had crabs before

    1. No. Marine salt is necessary (it's inexpensive and found at most pet supply stores). Marine salt contains minerals necessary for the growth and health of marine animals. Edible salt made for human use does not contain the necessary components and most salts made for human consumption also contain non-caking agents that could be lethal to marine animals.

      At this website, click the "Typical Ionic Concentrations" tab to see how many different minerals are present in the marine salt: http://www.seachem.com/Products/product_pages/MarineSalt.html
